The Out-Patient Departments of the Ayurvedic Hospital and Research Centres at Kottakkal, Delhi and Kochi have extensive facilities for consultation with expert Physicians. Prior appointment can be taken for consultation. OP Consultation is available in all the 27 Branch Clinics of AVS also. Online consultation (Video Consultation and Consultation via mail) is also available.
OP consultation is usually available from 0900 hrs to 1700 hrs. However, each location has its localised timing which may differ slightly. Patients should carry all papers and documents related to their ailment, such as previous clinical reports, pathology/laboratory reports, etc. After registering the name, the case history will be recorded by an Assistant Physician. Thereafter, the patient, along with the papers, can meet the Physician with whom an appointment has been confirmed. OP consultation is available on all days except Public Holidays. The OP consultation is free.
CONSULTATION TIMINGS (Only through appointment at Kottakkal OP Department)
Dr P M Varier / MT & Chief Physician : Monday to Saturday (Forenoon session only)
Dr K Muralidharan / ACP & Superindent : Monday to Saturday (Forenoon session only)
For appointments contact:
Mail id: Phone +91 483 2806300

AVS makes available to patients, free consultation with expert Physicians at the headquarters at Kottakkal, at its Hospitals at Delhi and Kochi and through its 27 Branch Clinics.
At Kottakkal
The Outpatient Consultation Department of AVS at Kottakkal is functioning at the AVS Square near National Highway-66. Being located at a major traffic junction, it has proved to be a convenient destination for a large number of ailing people to access medical consultation with senior and experienced Physicians. This Department functions as an arm of the Ayurvedic Hospital and Research Centre. The OP facility also has a walk-in therapy station where patients can visit daily with pre-appointment to receive some of the basic treatment modalities without having to get admitted to the Hospital.
All the Senior Physicians, including the Chief Physician, Assistant Chief Physician, and Superintendents attend the OP Clinic and are available for Consultation.
Patients seeking consultation with any one of them need to fix a prior appointment either through
Email : or by
Phone: +91 483 280 6300/280 6308
The working hours are from 0900 to 1700 hrs on all working days.

The consultation is free of cost. Patients are advised to carry with them all clinical reports, laboratory papers and other documents related to their ailments, which should be presented before an Assistant Physician who will record their ailment details before being taken to the Consulting Physician. For subsequent visits and correspondence, the patients should quote the Reference number allotted to them.
Patients can procure medicines as per the prescriptions given by the Physician, from the two Dispensaries functioning in the OP premises. Contact details are as below:
Ayurvedic Hospital and Research Centre, KOTTAKKAL
Out-Patient Department,
AVS Square, Changuvetty,
Kottakkal – PO,
Malappuram Dt., Kerala – 676 503.
Tel. No. : +91 483 280 6300 / 280 6308
At Outstation AHRCs
Similar free OP consultations with expert Physicians are available at the outstation Hospitals at Thrikkakkara (Kochi) and Delhi. Patients may fix a prior appointment for the consultation. Ayurveda medicines are also available at the Dispensaries located in the Hospitals. The contact details are given below:
Ayurvedic Hospital and Research Centre, KOCHI
Behind BharathMatha College,
Trikkakkara (PO),
Kochi – 682 021, Kerala, India.
Tel. No. : +91 484 255 4000 / 329 6922 / 283 9076 / 64 50125.

Ayurvedic Hospital and Research Centre, DELHI
18x, 19x, Karkardooma Institutional Area,
Railway Reservation Centre,
Delhi – 110 092, India.
Tel. No. : +91 11 22106500
At Branch Clinics
All the Branch Clinics of AVS located in major cities and towns of India have OP consultation facilities. Senior Physicians are available there for free consultation. Prior appointment for consultation may be fixed by a telephone call. The contact details of all the Branch clinics are given below. Medicines are also made available at the Branch Clinics.
For details please visit the Branch page BRANCH PAGE