Oushadhakanji Choornam (Medicated Porridge Powder)

January 5, 2024

Oushadhakanji Choornam (Medicated Porridge Powder)

Ayurvedic classical text like Ashtangahridaya, Charakasamhita, Bhavaprakasa etc., therapeutic diet specific to each disease is mentioned along with appropriate medications. In Kerala tradition, we have a practice of using medicated porridge during both wellness and illness. This porridge is widely used during Malayalam month of Karkkdaka (July – August). Due to heavy rain falls during these months, digestion and immune system become weak and body is more prone to the diseases like jaundice, gastro intestinal disturbances, various fevers like dengue fever, chikungunya etc. For improving the digestion and to boost the immune system, medicated porridge play an important role.

The medicine which is having deepana and pachana property (digestive and carminative) is generally used to prepare the medicated powder for porridge. The ingredients used in the porridge powder are dasamoola, trikatu, satapushpa, methika (uluva), and jeerka.

Mode of preparation – 100g of Shashtika rice (Njavara rice)/Boiled brown rice/Ragi/Chama rice (Little Millet) is cooked along with 10 g of powdered medicine and may be consumed along with Saindhava (Induppu). To make porridge nutritionally rich green gram, horse gram, and black gram may be added. This can also be consumed along with boiled seasonal vegetables and coriander leaves or curry leaves added will increase the flavor of porridge.

Medicinal value of porridge

  1. Dasamulam – This is a potent medicine used in the treatment of respiratory ailments, cardiac diseases, gastro intestinal disturbances and diseases of kidney and liver. This is also proven very effective medicine in the treatment of arthritis and neuro-generic problems.
  2. Trikatu – These ingredients is well known for its digestive and carminative action. Trikatu relieves liver and spleen diseases, respiratory ailments and also reduces the cholesterol level
  3. Sathapushpa(Dill seeds) – This is widely used in the management of 80 types of vataroga (rheumatoid arthritis, osteo arthritis etc. and neurological disorders)
  4. Methika – Is very effective in the treatment of diabetes
  5. Jeeraka – This helps to improve the flavor of porridge and therapeutically very effective in the management of respiratory and gastro intestinal ailments
  6. For a patient who is suffering from diabetes, hypertension, cardiac ailments porridge may be prepared with ragi or chama millet, or yavam (Barley)
  7. Geriatric patient who is not suffering from diabetes, heart ailments, for maintaining a good health shashtika rice may be used.

To sum up, the medicated porridge helps to maintain a good health by cleansing our body, activating circulatory systems thus help to modulate the immune system

Dr. Rajesh T.G.

Senior Physician

Centre for Textual Studies and Publications

Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal


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