Health benefits of Panchakarma

November 13, 2024

Dr.K.Devikrishnan, Chief Sub Editor,

Centre for Textual studies & Publications,

Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal

The treatment procedures in Ayurveda are mainly divided into Samanachikitsa and Shodhanachikitsa. In Samanachikitsa (Pacificatory treatment) the medications like pills, kashaya, ghrita, leha, bhasma etc. are taken internally as directed by the physician. The Shodhanachikitsa (Purifacatory treatments) include five treatment procedures – Vamana (Emesis), Virechana (Purgation), Nasya (Nasal adminstration of medicines), KashayaVasti (Decoction enema) and Snehavasti (Oil enema). According to Susrutacharya, Raktamoksha (Blood letting) is included  in Panchakarma.

  1. Vamana (Emesis)

In Kapha predominent diseases Vamana should be administered. This purificatory tretment is done in recent fevers, diarrhoea, pulmonary diseases, skin disoders, diabetes, tumors, mental diseases, cough, bronchitis and diseases of the head.

It is contra indicated in persons above 60 years and below 12 years of age, in pregnancy, cardiac patients, menustration time, hypoglycaemic patients, hypertensive patients, immediately after shodhana procedures.

  1. Virechana (Purgation)

This procedure is done in piles, tumors of abdomen, jaundice, skin disorders, abscesses, wounds, intestinal diseases, genito urinary diseases etc.

The most commonly used procedure eliminates vitiated pitta dosha, purfies blood and intestine.Corrects the metabolism and regulates hormonal functions.

It is contra indicated in above 70 years and before 10 years.

Dose of medicine: 10g-20 g (Churna), 15 g – 40 g (Leha), 20 g (Ghrita), 25 ml -35 ml(Taila)

90-150 ml (Kashaya)

Medicines used for purgation:

Avipathichurna, Vidangatanduladi churna, Trivritleha, Misrakasneha, Gandharvahastadi ernadataila etc.

  1. Nasya (Nasal adminstration of medicines)

This procedure is indicated in diseases of head. It can be used as preventive, curative and rejuvenative.

Benefits: Maintains healthy hair growth, prevent early aging process, effective in headache, paralysis, mental disorders ,diseases of eye, ear nose and head.

Based on matra of nasya oushadha it is divided into marsa nasya and pratimarsa nasya.

Duration of Nasya karma: 7 days continuously for marsanasya.For pratimarsa nasya no strict duration.

Medicines used in Nasya:

Anutaila, Kshirabala (101), Karpasastyaditaiala, Kunkumaditaila, Dhanvantaram (101), Nasikachurna etc.

  1. Vasti (Enema therapy)

Vasti karma is indicated for increase of dosas having predominance of Vata.It is the foremost among all the treatments.Vasti has multi action approach according to the drug used.Produce multi dimensional therapeutic effects.

Three types: Niruha (Kashaya), Anuvasana and Uttaravasti.

Persons unsuitable for decoction enema

Contra indicated in persons who have had excess of oleation therapy,injury to chest,highly emaciated,vomitting,suffering dyspnoea,cough,piles,flatulence,indigestion,ascitis,diabetes etc.

Persons suitable for oil enema

All those suitable for decoction enema are suitable for oil enema and rheumatic patients.

Persons unsuitable for oil enema

Persons unsuitable for oil enema are all those unsuitable for decoction enema, diabetes, diarrhoea, gout, goitre, profound obesity etc.

Benefits of Vasti

Improves strength, relieves stiffness, effective in paralysis, useful in gastro intestinal disorders, prevents premature ageing, purify all body systems, rejuvenative, and improves colon fuction and effective in severe rheumatic ailments

  1. Raktamoksha

According to Susrutacharya raktamoksha is included in panchakarma. Diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, eczema, wounds, abscesses, inflammatory conditions, various other skin diseases are cured by this procedure. This procedure helps to purify the blood and correct all the systems.

Blood pressure should be checked before and after treatment

Caution should be taken in cardiac patients.

Lipid profile should be checked before snehapaana to decide the medicine.

Strict dietcontrol must be followed by the patient during the panchakarma procedudres

All these purificatory treatments should be done under the strict supervision of qualified Ayurveda doctors.

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